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Juan Pablo Gomez castaño

Juan Pablo Gomez castaño


My name is Juan, I'm from Colombia but right now I'm in Lausanne, Switzerland as part of YWAM. Here, I'm part of the communication team. Meanwhile I am finishing my Bible Core course, I'm also part of the refugee ministry with YWAM here in Lausanne.

Here in YWAM, our vision is to fulfill the Great Commission and to cover the entire world with waves of youth missionaries, going to the edge of the earth to make Jesus known.

You may be asking why Juan is in Switzerland. I'm here as a wave of Latin Missionaries going to bring the Latin fire to the nations. This has been an amazing trip with God,  but also challenging, in faith, strength, and finances.

As a Full-time missionary here, I'm currently building a team of investors who will give CHF 1.400 monthly so that I will be able to continue working full time for the Kingdom in this beautiful country.

Would you prayerfully consider joining this team of monthly investors, or contributing a one-time gift?



EquipNet is a 22-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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