Hi! I am Jacob Palacios, a full time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, California!
I am a part of a collaborative non-profit missions organization called Circuit Riders empowered by Youth With A Mission. The heart of the Circuit Riders is to save the lost, revive the saved, and train them all. We want to inspire a generation to love like Jesus!
I initially came to Circuit Riders as a music intern! I was hungry to know Jesus deeper and use the gifts he entrusted me with for the Kingdom. While being here I joined our DTS. (Discipleship Training School)
That is when my heart began to burn to see the lost get saved, the broken and sick healed, the addicted set free, and the sleeping Christian woken up!
I am currently finishing up my DTS and heading out on outreach for three months in January! We have twenty three teams going out across America and Europe who will be preaching the Gospel to the youth and on college campuses! I get the privilege of helping lead worship with my team in The Great Lakes!
We believe that through the power of the Gospel, it will empower a generation to see the youth reach youth on and off their schools!
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially to see a generation saved across the nations?!
Thank you so much!
Sincerely, Jacob!