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Julie Nash

Julie Nash


Hi, my name is Julie Nash and I am currently serving as a missionary with Terraviv in San Juan, Puerto Rico.

Have you ever had one moment that changed that the entire trajectory of your life? For me, that was in a small room in El Salvador, when I received the call to missions on my life. I am not sure I even fully understood what that meant at the time, but I do know that the Holy Spirit gripped my heart and burdened me with a love for His people.

I would spend the next several years serving both as a student and on staff with Southeastern University's missions department, leading missions teams all over the world. I have witnessed God show up to unreached people groups in the bush of Africa, women in sex-trafficking receive freedom & salvation, the delivery of clean drinking water to villages on remote islands, and that is only just the beginning.

The burden to reach the lost has only continued to grow, and I have since decided to join a church planting + missions movement based in Puerto Rico. This movement is founded by Ezra + Raquel Santiago, after several years of fearing the LORD through fasting + prayer. After just three years, they now have three church campuses, send out 20+ missions teams annually, host a college extension site/internship program, & empower the next generation of Puerto Rico to life on mission for the kingdom of God. The favor + glory of the LORD has fallen on this island through the dedication and sacrifices of the faithful. What a privilege it is for me to join alongside this movement. I can only hear this one lingering question,"Do you want to be a part of history or not?" How could my answer be anything, but yes?

As you consider partnering with me, I'll ask you the same, "Do you want to be a part of history?" My promise is to steward my finances honorably, so that I may maximize effectiveness for the kingdom of God & you may have the honor of being fully engaged in the work of the Lord.

Please keep me in your prayers-- I know I'll need them! God bless you.



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