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Joshua & Emma Lyons

Joshua & Emma Lyons


Hi! We are the Lyons, missionaries with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) preparing to serve in Kyrgyzstan in Central Asia! YWAM exists to help people know God and make God known, and that is exactly what we hope to do in Kyrgyzstan.


Our hearts have always burned together for houses of prayer and we know that this will always be a central piece of our ministry together. God’s desire for a dwelling place among men has been spoken of throughout the entire Bible from the garden, tabernacle, and temple in the Old Testament to the church, Jesus Himself, and ultimately the New Jerusalem when God makes everything new. Our desire in ministry is to partner with God’s desire and establish places and communities where God is honored, worshiped, and where prayer is the focus and God takes center stage.


This is exactly what we will be doing in Kyrgyzstan as we join a team seeking to plant houses of prayer in every capital city across Central Asia! On moving to the country in January 2025 we will be coming alongside the team in long hours of prayer over the country while also studying the language and finding avenues to build discipleship relationships among the local community. As we finish the last steps of preparation we are so excited to join this team in a country where the harvest is so clearly ripe. We know God has called us to be a part of building His kingdom in Kyrgyzstan by leading people in truly transformative worship-focused life with Him!


But we can't do this alone. We need a team of family and friends like you to co-labor with us in this work. Would you prayerfully consider joining us in this ministry for the Kingdom of God by supporting in prayer and finances?



Emma and Joshua

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