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James Heath

James Heath


My name is James Dillan Heath. I am a missionary serving with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) in Kona. I staff and lead a training school, called Trailblazers, that disciples, prepares, and takes young people on short term missions trips to unreached people groups. Our school’s primary focus nations are those who have never heard the Gospel, those who no missionaries have gone to. We run our school once a year, from September to March, and we begin preparations for our upcoming school in July. Our school is developing further training to help launch long term teams by raising up our past graduates as staff. We aim to provide our new staff with contacts, connections, and experience in the nations they are called to serve in, all before they build a long term team to go. Our goal is to train and send out long term missionaries to the more than two billion people around the world who have never heard the Gospel.

My Job is to train and lead in this school, as I too develop relationships and eventually launch out to long term work in the nations. Please pray about partnering with me to train the next generation to finish the Great Commission!

The Trailblazer Vision Statement:

We are committed to ignite, equip and launch dedicated followers of Jesus to the nations

To blaze a trail where others have not yet gone so thousands can follow

To go where the Gospel has not yet been preached

So that every tribe may hear us proclaim

“Maranatha, Oh come Lord Jesus”

Thank you For your continued help!!


James Dillan Heath


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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