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Joshua Flynn

Joshua Flynn


Hello friends and family!

My name is Joshua Flynn, and I have been accepted to become a full-time missionary with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) Sendai in Japan. For as long as I can remember, I have had a desire to serve the Lord with my life.

The Japanese people are the second most unreached people group in the world. There is one missionary for every 60,000 Japanese. It is also completely legal to share the Gospel there. Knowing there may be many who never get the chance to hear the Gospel in their lifetime, it feels like an injustice for me not to go.

Japan is known as the "Missionary Graveyard", where missionaries burnout, and go home discouraged as there is often little fruit to be seen. This is a place in need of much encouragement and hope.

The Lord has put encouragement on my heart as I prepare for this next season. I want to be able to encourage fellow believers and missionaries to keep their eyes set on God above, no matter the circumstances. I would love to host a Bible study as well.

Long term, I want to disciple and equip new believers to keep pressing in towards the Lord and grow and mature in their faith.

YWAM does not financially support their missionaries. It is all funded by churches and individuals like you! If you are able and feel led to support and partner with me to bring the Gospel to the Japanese people, I would be ever grateful.

All for the glory of God,


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