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Jarel Dinagit

Jarel Dinagit


Hi! I am Jarel Dinagit, a full time missionary with YWAM ( Youth With A Mission ) Impact Philippines.

I am part of a non-profit missions organization called YWAMPH IMPACT PHILIPPINES. The heart of YWAMPH, The Lord is raising up a nameless and faceless generation to make His name known to the hardest and darkest places on Earth. God is calling forth a generation that knows that they are loved by Him, equipped in their greatest strengths and gifts, and empowered to change the world for His Kingdom. We believe that this generation God will call and equip hundreds and thousands of leaders to go forth to the nation to make Jesus’s name known!

I did my DTS (Discipleship Training School) in YWAM Impact Philippines when my journey and passion stirred in me. The whole time during my school it was life changing to love him more and to love the lost.

This is my third year serving with YWAM as a full-time staff, and I’m excited to see what God has in store for this next season of my journey.

This season I’ll be staffing the next DTS. We believe God will raise up more leaders and missionaries to be sent out to the nation, to empower the next generation.

Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially to see the nation transformed by the love of God?

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