Jonathan here!
I am in the process of becoming a full-time missionary with Circuit Riders, which is a branch of Youth With A Mission (YWAM). At an early age I met Jesus, and He began speaking to me about reaching the lost and bringing freedom to those in mental and spiritual bondage. This has become a core passion and pursuits of my life.
My focus with Circuit Riders is primarily in evangelism, discipleship and serving the local Church, seeing everywhere I go reached with the same love Jesus reaches me with.
I am passionate about seeing the next generation of leaders know the love of Jesus, not just in America, but all across the globe.
I am currently building a team of investors who will give $3,000 a month, which will allow me to fully serve what God is doing on universities and in the nations.
Would you prayerfully consider joining this team of monthly investors, or contributing a one-time gift?