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Joe Bogun

Joe Bogun


Hello everyone!

My name is Joseph Bogun and I have the opportunity to attend the Circuit Riders Discipleship Training School (DTS) in Huntington Beach, CA this fall!

Between January and March of 2024, I had the opportunity to join Circuit Riders as a musician for their Northern Europe outreach, and it has been one of the most life-changing experiences I've had. During that time, I got to join an amazing group of people and evangelize on the streets of Stockholm, Copenhagen, Helsinki, and many other places around Scandinavia. I also got to return to Stockholm this past May to be a part of one of their festivals and use my musical gifts to present Jesus to those who have never heard of Him.

A total of over 1,300 people gave their lives to Christ. Europe is HUNGRY for the Gospel!

I have applied and got accepted to join the Circuit Riders DTS starting September 28th. The heart behind Circuit Rider is reach the lost, revive and encourage the body of Christ and train and empower thousands as proclaimers of the Gospel.

I will be a part of this school for 6 months. Three of those months will include training and being equipped for evangelism, and the other 3 months will include a missions outreach where I will apply everything I have learned in training and see souls saved!

As you can imagine, participating in this program involves expenses beyond what I can manage on my own. The total cost for education, accommodation, and other necessities amounts to around $10,000. 

Here is the cost break-down:

• $3,500 will cover the tuition cost and housing in California

• $2,000 will cover the outreach cost (Transportation and housing)

• $4,500 will cover the other living expenses in California (food, transportation, etc.)

Therefore, I am reaching out to you to consider supporting me in this endeavor. Your financial contribution, no matter the size, will help make this opportunity a reality.

God bless you as you give and sow seeds for the Kingdom!



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