Over the past few years of my life, the Lord has taken me deeper into who He is than I knew I could go.
Part of this realization is that - God has taught me who I am - because of The Holy Spirit’s residence in my life (1 Cor. 6:19). The other side of the coin is that my life does not belong to me (Jer. 10:23), and the Lord gets to have His way in me, in His own timing.
This leads me to now. I have been afforded the opportunity to join the Circuit Riders for the Carry the Love tour in January through March of 2023. Circuit Riders is a YWAM (Youth With A Mission) mission and training community that launches movements to reach the next generation. The Lord has been moving in miraculous ways through Generation Z. Through this movement, hearts are being transformed by the Gospel and discipled to follow the Great Commission as a set apart people, that love others radically and know Jesus fully.
The Carry the Love tour will be centered on college campuses around the country, where through worship and discipleship, we will be partnering with the Lord’s heart for the younger generation.
I can’t do this journey alone. First, I am grateful to feel very supported by different communities in my life.
I am in need of prayer and financial support over this next season of my life. My financial goal is $3000 to cover part of my cost of living.