My name is Heidi and, in the spring of 2022, God called me out of my teaching job to something better He had planned for me. That fall I began my journey with Youth With A Mission as I completed my Discipleship Training School (DTS) and He transformed my life.
I was so impacted by what the Holy Spirit did in me that I wanted to join the Youth With A Mission movement and walk alongside others as God meets them, like He did for me. I have always had a heart for missions from a young age and each yes to Him has led to the start of an amazing journey together with God.
Youth With A Mission was born out of a dream God gave founder Loren Cunningham of waves of young people going out from every nation to every nation. The organization was soon born and is now the largest youth sending organization with locations all over the world. Youth With A Mission is an interdenominational, international, and intergenerational movement with the desire to know God and make Him known.
I have a passion to see the Gospel go forth in the nations and disciple others as they discover their true identity in Jesus. While on staff with Youth With A Mission I have the opportunity to help facilitate Discipleship Training Schools with other staff, lead small groups, disciple one on one and lead teams to the nations to share the good news of the Gospel. I have been blessed to see God move in powerful ways in me, the people around me and in the nations! The harvest is ripe, and God is on the move in mighty ways!
Youth With A Mission is a completely volunteer organization and I do not get compensated for anything I do with them. Your partnership, whether through prayer or finances, goes directly to impacting individual hearts, communities, and nations for the Gospel.
Will you consider partnering with me as I partner with God to know Him and make Him known?