Hi Friends,
My name is Hannah! I am from the West Michigan area originally and for the past 8 years I have had the joy and privilege of serving God in Southeast Asia. I have been working with  the Church Multiplication Coalition to see the Church equipped and unified to share the love of Jesus and plant churches in unchurched communities!
Having spent much time and getting trained up in the beautiful Philippines, I am so thankful to be launched into nations of SE Asia that are more closed to the Gospel. There is much work to be done here and the Lord is doing beautiful things as His people faithfully share His love. In these places the Church is the minority with only about 2% of the population following Christ and most people having never even heard the name of Jesus.
Thanks to your partnership in prayer and giving, I am able to serve alongside the local leaders in SE Asia to see the whole body of Christ walking in confidence in their identity in Christ and faithfully sharing His goodness with those who are far from God.
Thank you so much for all your prayers and support!