Haleigh is a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). She is not only committed to seeing the nations reached with the Gospel but with discipleship also.
Haleigh is passionate about people being able to worship God within the context of their own culture. Specifically within sports and creative expression. Her heart behind discipleship has prepared her to start focusing on sports ministry and providing an outlet for children and teens to express themselves, keeping them off the streets and away from drug abuse.
The main goal of her ministry is to incorporate the values of discipleship with the values of sports while also teaching them spiritual growth.
In her own words:
"Not only am I called to the Nations, I want to love them in the same way the Father pours out His love on me. I am passionate about seeing God’s beauty and nature expressed through other cultures as well as their original style of worship to Him. People deserve to be authentic in their worship and it ultimately glorifies God."
Haleigh is seeking a committed team of people who will invest with her through prayer, encouragement, and accountability as well as financially. She is currently building a team of investors who will give towards her goal of $3,000 a month, which will allow her to fully serve God's plan for her overseas.
Would you prayerfully consider joining this team of monthly investors, or contributing a one-time gift?