I am Grace Nowland, an 18-year-old missionary from Massachusetts! I have been doing ministry in my high school through prayer, preaching the gospel, and glorifying God through art for two years, and am now moving to Circuit Riders in October in preparation to do full time ministry!
God first called me to missions when I was 13, while I was in ‘boot camp’ for a missions trip. I had never been introduced to missions but someone spoke over little 13-year-old me that God has highlighted me for missions! Shortly after, I did evangelism for the first time and got to know one of the greatest joys, seeing people come to Christ through the sharing of the Gospel! When I was 16, a Junior in High School, I was praying steadfastly for clarity on what God’s plan for my life looked like. I had a very intentional prayer time where I asked the Lord where he wanted me to go. In an instant, he gave me a vision of a sign with big letters that said ‘Circuit Riders’. Two days later, with no previous connection to Circuit Riders at all, YWAM Boston called me and told me that Circuit Riders was coming to Boston and asked for a youth to host a worship night with them. While YWAM Boston was praying, God highlighted me to them! It was such an answer to prayer, as I had asked the Lord for God to send people to preach the Gospel in my home town!
At Circuit Riders, I will be doing the music/worship track and the brave-love track for reaching women with the gospel! God has given me such a heart for girls in my life to know their identity in Christ and walk boldly in their calling. I have both lead and hosted many girls bible studies, small groups, and women’s worship nights, so this feels like such a culmination of my calling and dreams!
In order to go to Circuit Riders, I have to raise about $12,000 in funds! $6,000 of that will be on the Circuit Riders website for tuition, and the other $6,000 will be on here!
This $6,000 will go towards food, flights, personal needs, transportation, etc. for the 6 months I’m on mission with Circuit Riders!
“Your Father who sees in secret will reward you.” Matthew 6:4. God is El Roi, the Father who sees you!!! Your giving does not go unnoticed by our Father in Heaven.
Thank you for your prayers and support as I go. I would not be able to fully obey this call the way I am if not for the encouragement and generosity of the body of Christ! I see the generosity of the Lord through you.
Please email me if you have any questions or prayer requests!
Grace Nowland