Hello everyone, my name is George Fehr, currently with YWAM Kona (Youth With A Mission) doing a DTS (Discipleship Training School) called Fire & Fragrance.
At YWAM, people get trained and equipped to walk out their calling God has for each one. Raising up people, fully surrendered and in love with Jesus who will go anywhere for the Gospel. The motto is “To know God, and make Him known.”
And this is what I feel God is calling me to do, a DTS, which is a 6 months program where I will spend my first 3 months at Kona base, getting equipped and trained for missions, learning more about who God is and how to walk out the calling God has for me to spread the Gospel around the world. After that, I will be sent to a nation (which is to be determined) for the last 3 months with a group of people to apply what I have learned the first 3 months and make God known.
However, I do not get paid to do this. I’m going into this full time and that requires me to leave my income (job) behind.
I need people to partner with me and believe in my calling, that God has put on my heart. Please prayerfully consider giving to God’s call on my life and reach out to me with any questions you might have.
I would be so blessed to have you be part of my journey.
Email: fehrgerardo9@gmail.com