Hi there!
My name is Grace Cota, I am a missionary beginning the journey into full-time missions! I am working with an organization called YWAM (Youth With A Mission). In September 2021 I did my first YWAM school DTS (Discipleship Training School)! During this school is when my heart started to burn for missions and when the calling of missions began.
I could not be more excited to say the Lord has called me back to YWAM! This is after a year of living in my hometown doing an internship at my church in Washington.
What will I be doing with YWAM?
I will be joining a 10 month long YWAM school called "Foundations For Revival & Reformation". This school is divided up into different sections including 3 months of in-depth Bible study, 3 months of applied Biblical worldview and 3 months of communication study to equip me on how to move people into alignment with God's will for revival and reformation, as well as a 1 month outreach!
I believe this school will equip me to go into the nations and begin my journey into full time ministry!
As I continue to peruse my calling I would love your partnership both financially and through prayer! I would love, if as you choose to partner with me, you would pray and ask the Lord how He wants you to support me. He is a FAITHFUL God who will provide!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!