Hi Friends!!
I AM MOVING TO DALLAS!!! I truly feel such an invitation from the Lord to steward, receive, and grow this promise that the Lord has placed on my heart. This promise is to eventually open up a school for the heart. Different from a ministry school, such as Circuit Riders, Bethel School of Ministry, Upperroom, Jesus Image…etc. Where these schools equip you to do the work of ministry, my school will be one for the heart. Where people will be given tools to tend to their heart. They will learn to live in freedom through the beauty of receiving to God’s love then responding. “So above all, guard the affections of your heart, for they affect all that you are. Pay attention to the welfare of your innermost being, for from there flows the wellspring of life.” Proverbs 4:23
This promise of the Lord’s heart school, has been something I have been dreaming and protecting for months now. Recently, I was a part of Zion Dance Project’s Summer Series, located in Dallas. For nearly 2 weeks of being there my life was transformed. I was given permission to ascend and to dream. My spirit and body awakened to dance and worship with Jesus; which has led to cultivating deeper intimacy with the Lord. I am planning to run with Zion, to help facilitate, implement, and grow community. While also joining their residency program, to dive deeper into the heart of worship. Focussing on physically expressing the beauty of the heart of God through movement. I will learn to release, to keep, and to steward how the Lord is wanting to pour out His spirit. This season is much unto the preparation of what is to come, and what will be released in the future as I begin to plant my dream.
This is possibly the most important part of everything. It’s understanding that I, myself am not able to see this promise released without the belief, help, and support of the body of Christ. So would you dream with me, and see this promise come into full fruition by partnering with me financially. Simple obedience changes history. One yes can shift a nation. One yes can tip the bowls of intercession.
Accepting the invitation to change and transition in this season. Trusting the leadership of the Lord. Understanding being set and planted in promise is my dwelling. To get lost in the mysteries of His love. To be brought into the chambers of His heart. Creating history and remembrance for everything and all that is to come. Awareness of legacy - generational blessing and inheritance. Download, greater blueprint, and seeking His breath for His heart school. These are my goals as I am brought into a new and delightful season.
Your provision, support, and sowing into this dream truly goes hand in hand with the desires of God. This is beyond exciting, and I am honored to partner with you in birthing this promise from the Lord.
I am looking to partner with people and raise $3000 in monthly support every month. Please reach out with any questions, i would love to share more of my heart!!
Moving things from your head to your heart.
Blessings and thank you to each and every one of you.