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Ellie Morem

Ellie Morem


Hello! I have been with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) for the past year now. I completed my DTS with Fire and Fragrance in Kona and God completely transformed my life! For outreach phase, I went to Peru and served and shared the gospel in the Amazon River tribes. We also joined Circuit Riders (CR) for an evangelism tour in the Northeast region of America. Right after my DTS, I continued to join CR for their second leg of tour in the PNW region and did their leadership training called, “21 Project” in California.

I am currently staffing the Fire and Fragrance DTS in YWAM, Kona. While I am here I have the honor of growing in my leadership skills and working with the YWAM Dance program as well. We are spending 3 months serving the base as staff members, discipling students, and teaching kids how to practically live out the gospel. After lecture phase, I will lead a team into America to put into action what the students learned during their lecture portion. At college campuses in the states, we will partner with “Carry The Love” and CR in going out in evangelism, and putting on worship events.

As a missionary, I raise my own support and have faith the Lord will provide for me every month! I am so thankful for anyone who considers supporting me any one-time or monthly amount. And I am also very grateful for those who support me in prayer and love every day! Young students’ lives are being changed, the gospel is being shared, and people are coming to Jesus because of your YES!! If you have questions or want to be a part of my newsletters, email me at:


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