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Emily Mohrman

Emily Mohrman


Hi!! I'm Emily Mohrman, a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Circuit Riders in Huntington Beach, CA!

I am a part of a collaborative non-profit missions organization called Circuit Riders empowered by Youth With A Mission. The heart of the Circuit Riders is to save the lost, revive the saved and train them all. We want to inspire this generation to love like Jesus and get fired up to go and tell the people around them on their campuses and high schools!

In the fall of 2020 I had just started my sophomore year of bible college- not realizing God was about to change my life around very fast! I was so moved by the love of God at a young adults group I had been attending, and suddenly wanted to share that zeal with everyone in my generation. At the beginning of 2021 I met some friends who were missionaries in Los Angeles - reaching people in the different entertainment industries in the city. After my heart broke for the people in L.A., I quickly moved to California in August of 2021. Leaving my friends and family because I knew L.A. was where I had to be! For the past year and a half I have been doing full-time ministry in L.A., seeing the city transformed! It has been one of the most eye-opening things I've ever done. Seeing the brokenness in the city has moved my heart even more to reach my generation. My ministry is a house church based in Studio City, California. 70-100 young people meet in a living room every Sunday night! I also started a women's group for the ladies in L.A. who have no community. I have been discipling these girls who just want more of God! We also do party evangelism, going to some of the darkest parties in America to bring the light! This past year has been so rewarding, God loves the people in L.A.! He isn't done with them yet, I'm just seeing the beginning of revival here!

So how did I end up with the Circuit Riders? I have been attending Circuit Rider events for almost 2 years now, and have been so moved by their ministry and the leaders coming out of it! I recently realized that I was so quickly thrown into ministry- but was never trained. My desire is to be trained by some of the most equipped leaders I know! I want to learn how to be a worship leader, an evangelist, a communicator, etc.! I can't think of a better ministry to come under and be trained by!

I will be doing a DTS (disciple training school) with the Circuit Riders for the next 6 months! 3 months in school being trained, and 3 months on outreach to another country, or America! I will also still be helping with the house church ministry in L.A. on Sundays!

Because I will be full-time in ministry and training, I won't be able to have a job- so that's where YOU come in! Will you prayerfully consider donating to me? I'm looking to raise $15,000 to cover the school, the outreach, and the extras (food, gas, emergencies, monthly bills).

I believe the Lord is about to move in WILD ways in this generation, on campuses and high schools! I want to see this generation saved, and you can be a part of that as well! Join me not only financially, but more importantly through intercession and prayer. I need the prayer warriors to partner with me!




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