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Em Howard

Em Howard


Hey friends!

My name is Emily Howard and I am currently working as a full-time missionary for YWAM Borgen. I am also a part-time student studying a Bachelor of Theology with a Counseling Concentration.

My journey in missions started in 2022 when I went on 2 mission trips to Lesotho, I discovered a passion for sharing the love of Jesus with people. In 2023 I attended a Discipleship Training School (DTS) and Bible School (BCC) at YWAM Worcester, both these courses completely changed my life.

After being impacted so deeply by my DTS I wanted to create the opportunity for others to have the same experience. I started praying about staffing a DTS and clearly felt God call me to Norway. So I will be staffing the Northern Lights DTS in Borgen which will start in August. Not only will this experience be a wonderful opportunity to serve others but I believe it will deepen my relationship with God richly.

Stepping into full-time missions as a 20-year-old is challenging but my love for Jesus is so much bigger than that challenge. I knew moving to Norway would be a huge step of faith as the cost of living is very high however I am determined not to let finances get in the way of what God is calling me to do. Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me on this journey?

I need a monthly support of $1000 for:

• Giving (tithes, offering + generosity)

• Accommodation (campus rent)

• Food (campus meals +groceries)

• Transportation (public transport + flight savings)

• Personal spending (toiletries + outings)

• Savings!

This partnership would mean so much to me and I will be in contact with you monthly to update you on what my work involves, to pray for you, and support you in ways I can.

Thank you for partnering with God, each little bit counts to the furthering of His kingdom and it is an honor to be your hands and feet in the mission field.

May God bless your generosity!

Emily Howard


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303




P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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