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Davae McMillion

Davae McMillion


What's up family! 

I’m Davae McMillion and I am a full time missionary with Circuit Riders and Iris Global doing work between Huntington Beach, CA and Johannesburg, South Africa. At the beginning of last year I had an encounter with God by His Holy Spirit that deeply changed my life. I went from such a deep depression and brokenness to freedom and a burning desire to know the Man I just met (Jesus). After that moment I asked myself the question every young person asks themselves… “what do I do with my life?” After seeking Jesus, the Lord called me to do full time ministry; specifically reaching broken college students, caring for orphans caught in the foster care system or trafficking. To some this may seem scary, but knowing what God is doing in America and South Africa, through revival, it is an honor to be chosen by the Lord for a mission such as this. I long for my generation to know the power and name of Jesus; for every man, every woman, and every child to know and encounter the power of the Gospel.

When moving into full-time missions, I joined a Discipleship Training School in California and currently am on a tour of the south-eastern states of America as a co-leader on our worship team. I’m sharing the gospel, worshipping, and evangelizing at the “Carry the Love” tour stops. Along with this, I have done ministry in South Africa in churches and at events sharing my testimony and walking with others on their journey in healing. I can’t wait to do more ministry with Iris Global in Johannesburg over the summer of 2025.

It is by your obedience to the Lord that I am able to continue to faithfully serve the Lord daily in missions and ministry. I hope and pray to do missions and ministry for the rest of my life. Out of faith I have been praying for the Lord to bring people from around the world to partner with me and invest in the move of God that’s happening in campuses in America and children in South Africa. The harvest is plentiful but the laborers are few (Luke 10), and the Lord has chosen me (and you <3) for a time such as this to see the harvest ripen. 

I would love to invite you to join as a monthly partner and sow into what the Lord is doing through me for the lost and hurting. Whether it’s big or small, your obedience to the Lord on what to give is what means the most. While monthly partners are what’s needed most right now, one time donations are also such a wonderful blessing!

Prayer can move mountains so please pray for us! Pray for my crew, me, campuses in America, our missions school in South Africa, and for these nations to be shifted by a move of God. 

Donations through Equipnet are TAX DEDUCTIBLE. 

Thank you guys for praying and considering to partner with me. I can’t wait to update you on all the crazy ways the Lord has moved due to your faithfulness to the Lord and believing in the mission He has laid on my heart. 

Davae <3


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303


P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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