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Dasha Janbakhsh

Dasha Janbakhsh


Hi friends ! My name is Dasha and I am currently doing my Discipleship Training School with Circuit Riders!

I have just finished the lecture phase, and have had the honor of learning under incredible teachers, leaders; and have been encountered by the beautiful love of the Father.

Jesus has ignited a deep passion within me for preaching the Gospel; and I have the joy to enter this next season on outreach across California visiting over 30 university and college campuses; equipping young adults to spread the Gospel, revealing to them their purpose in Christ, the love of the Father, and igniting their fire for Jesus.  

My life was transformed during lecture phase, not only did I learn so much but I was set free in countless ways and have the burning desire to run after His Gospel for the rest of my days.  

Circuit Riders is a missional movement based out of Huntington Beach, California that burns for the Gospel. Their mission is this generation, saving the lost, reviving the saved, and training them all. We want this generation to understand their purpose in Christ, and grow in spreading the Good news. Circuit Riders has several platforms in which we are sharing the Gospel; including Black Voices movement, Brave love women, Greenhouse prayer room and Carry the Love. All are movements that burn for this generation to draw near to the heart of Jesus.

 It is my joy to be a missionary in this season of my life especially with Circuit Riders. I am so passionate about seeing this generation step into their identity in Christ, and rise up as leaders around America, and throughout the world.

I cannot express my gratitude enough to God and to those have blessed me in prayer and financially. I cannot thank you enough for your blessings, and for making my dream of being a missionary a reality.

 I would love to ask you to prayerfully consider partnering with me as I enter outreach phase through financial support and prayer.

I need $3000 for the next three months for:

• Food (groceries, eating out)

• Self care (hygiene products)

• Transportation (flights)

and anything else that might come up!

If you would like to commit to being a monthly supporter please pray about an amount, and you can give here!

Therefore, since we are surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses, let us also lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus. the founder, and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Him, endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the right hand of the throne of God.

Hebrews 12:1-3

It is a joy to run this race with, and for Jesus. Thank you for everything. Your support is so special. Each prayer is heard, and and each dollar is used for His Kingdom. You all are a huge part of this movement of God!

If you have any questions feel free to email me:



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