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Darcie & Gary De La Porte Sponsor

Darcie & Gary De La Porte Sponsor


We have been with Youth With A Mission Brisbane for the past 15 and 16 years, volunteering our time here with a variety of ministries and departments. Youth With A Mission is an international, interdenominational missions organization with a vision to see young people out in the mission field doing the work of God.

Who we are…

Before joining YWAM Gary was successful in the Sales industry. He had many ambitions in life including owning his own business. Gary traveled to Israel on 2 occasions to volunteer in the Kibbutz. He served in the South African army and police department. He enjoys running, reading the news, and eating a good steak.

Darcie had just come out of High School when joining YWAM. She was a junior leader in the youth group and had taken several short-term outreaches. Her life plan was to be a Police officer. She was accepted to 2 Christian colleges to study Criminal Justice in the states when God changed her plans. She enjoys camping and bushwalking, Thai food, watching movies and eating a “tim tam slam” on cold Australian nights.

What we do…

Currently Gary is a part of a ministry called RescueNet. This is a disaster relief ministry that responds to natural or manmade disasters to provide immediate relief and rescue to the victims. He wants to specialize in Search and Rescue and Disaster Assessment. Gary’s team has helped out in Jordan/Iraq, Pakistan, Philippines, Indonesia and Samoa. When not on a mission Gary is the Computer Administrator and Fleet Manager at YWAM Brisbane, looking after these bits of property to keep them all in running order and to keep the ministry running smoothly.

Darcie is part of the Training Department. She oversees all training schools run through YWAM Brisbane, to make sure they are running effectively and legally. She is involved in developing and strategizing new ways to run our training programs to make the maximum impact on our overseas students. She facilitates leadership, staff and discipleship training, and workshops to prepare young people for Christian ministry and missions. She also works with management of the YWAM centre.


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303


P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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