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Daniel Clark

Daniel Clark


Hello, my name’s Daniel.

In 2017 God called me to Tokyo, Japan to breathe new life into my relationship with Him through the Discipleship Training School at the Youth With a Mission base there. My eyes have been opened to more of the world and His Love since then. My heart has been to return to Japan and be His hands and feet there in a nation that is so hungry for His Truth. The Lord brought me back to Japan in 2018 to take part in YWAM Tokyo’s first School of Worship and Transformation, going deeper with Jesus in worship and better equipping me for what He has ahead.

And now He’s sending me back to Japan into full time staff at YWAM Tokyo. I will be focusing on learning the language, bringing His Kingdom down through worship, growing in community, and championing the Japanese towards Christ.

The number of Christians following Jesus in Japan is less than 1%, so even though it is a wealthy nation for the most part, the Japanese are in dire need of hearing the Gospel as well as discipleship in their relationship with Jesus. Japan is so ready to know God as He truly is, without religion and the obligations of culture or ritual.

One of YWAM Tokyo’s main focuses is to build an altar of worship in Japan. Worshiping Jesus really does so much more than we can see or think. It is amazing what God is doing in Japan, even in such a materially well off city as Tokyo. People are more open to hearing about Jesus, and the church in Japan is coming together in greater unity and courage. Japan is so in need of knowing the love of their Father in heaven and who He says they are. There are more Japanese courageously stepping out into their true identity in Christ and it’s truly beautiful.

I want to invite you to partner with me and the Lord in what God is doing in Japan!

Please pray and consider giving a one time donation or monthly support to my missions work. Being in the missions field I am dependent on friends coming along side me with prayer, financial support, and partnership – multiplying His Kingdom on the earth.

All donations are tax-detectable for citizens of the USA if you’re interested.

Thank you for taking the time to read what the Lord is doing!

If you are interested and would like more information, please email me at: or visit

Bless you!


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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