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Daniel Carroll

Daniel Carroll


Hey everyone! My name is Daniel Carroll and in October 2024 I will be trained as a full-time missionary through Circuit Riders!

In the last few years, God has placed a burden on my heart for the nations! There are so many people who are lost and broken and I believe that the Gospel has the power to set them free and give them life to the fullest! In Fall 2024, I will be attending the Circuit Riders Discipleship Training School! I believe that this will be the catalyst and will prepare me for a life of missions!

Throughout this training school, I will learn how to better hear the voice of God, understand what it looks like to have a lifestyle of evangelism, I will experience growth in my personal leadership, I will also develop a life of prayer and intercession. This may seem like I can do these anywhere, but the Lord has been leading me to pursue this path, and having a season dedicated to learning and growing in this missional calling will be beneficial for me and the people I will encounter.

Before Jesus ascends into heaven, his last command to his disciples is to go into all the nations proclaiming the gospel and make disciples (Matt. 28:19-20). This is not called the Great Suggestion, but it is called the Great Commission, which is a command. I believe that this is what God has called me to do with my life.

I would love to ask you to partner with God and myself through financial support and through prayer!

In order to make this possible I will need a total of $12,000. This amount will cover the tuition for the school and will also cover the costs while I am attending the school. These costs include:

• Food

• Flights

• Gas

• Any other discretionary costs

If you would like to become a monthly supporter or give a one-time gift, pray about an amount to give and you can give through this link! "In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel." (1 Corinthians 9:14)

It is through your giving and your prayers that I am empowered to go! I pray that the Lord will bless you as you give towards this!

If you would like to email me about any inquiries, you can email me at


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