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Cole Stark

Cole Stark


Hello, my name is Cole, out of all the things you should know about me, the first is that I wholeheartedly love Jesus. Here are a few of the roles I am currently serving in. 


Prayer House Ministry 

My heart seeks to see the lost come to know Jesus by establishing prayer houses across the world. Prayer House Ministry started after seeing a need for worship to become less people centered and more God centered. Throughout the last few years, I have seen how much my own heart has been moved by the culture of ministering to the Lord. I have every intent to bring this culture back to the churches of America and to the global Church as a whole. 


We have a goal to plant prayer rooms all across the nation in order to give the Lord a resting place. Practically, these prayer rooms run throughout the week so that people can come and have a space to worship whether they are on a lunch break, at work, have the day off, or are in between commitments throughout their day. 


I am convinced that giving people space to come and worship Him throughout the week is the most effective way to see the Church equipped, empowered, and sent out. We must know Him first before we are able to accurately present Him to the rest of the world. 


Kooks For Christ

Kooks for Christs exists to see the lost come to know Jesus. We seek to accomplish this mission through our events, kooks’ houses, and missions trips.


Time and time again, we have seen the natural serve the supernatural. It is by these means that we aim to reach the lost with the Gospel. We use surfing, beach culture, community, and anything we can, to provide people with access to the Good News. We have seen the hearts of many come to know Jesus through the means of surfing, sports, and quality time. It is beautiful how God uses the natural and mundane to soften the hearts of individuals to receive the Gospel. 


In everything we do, we long to partner with the local church. The local church gives our community a healthy environment to be involved in alongside eldership, pastors, and peers. Local churches play a huge part on our mission trips. In coming alongside them, we are able to help equip, activate and encourage the local body of believers, especially if Christianity is not culturally normal for them. We consider this the key to any lasting impact. 



For more information, visit







Regardless of any official role or title I carry, I long to know Jesus deeper and continually make Him known.


Thank you for your consideration to partner with me financially.




EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303




P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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