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Clarissa Rojas

Clarissa Rojas


Hello Everyone my name is Clarissa Rojas!

I am currently in the process of preparing for a 10 day leadership training school this summer with Circuit Riders a branch of YWAM (Youth With A Mission). Circuit riders is a missionary movement located in Huntington Beach, CA, that consists of dedicated individuals who have given their lives to reaching the lost, making disciples and shifting the culture around them through wholehearted obedience to scripture (Matthew 28:19-20, Mark16:15). This particular CR school is a 10 day long collaborative leadership training school that will consist of morning and evening corporate worship sessions, and teachings that will go over the validity of scripture, the gospel, and the importance of evangelism. I am expectant of the way God is going to move during this 10 day intensive training school with hopes of continuing my journey with Circuit Riders afterwards.


The decision to join Circuit Riders has been eagerly anticipated, and something I do not take lightly. I have had the privilege of attending Circuit Riders every Monday and Thursday night these past 3 months to engage in corporate worship. In doing so, I have decided to join CR school because I want to become better equipped to reach my generation with the gospel. During this training intensive I am seeking to further deepen my relationship with Yeshua through biblical training and worship.

I will also be participating in a movement within Circuit Riders known as Brave Love Women,  a movement specifically focused on building up women within the body of Christ to embrace their evangelical voice and missional calling. There are numerous reasons I have decided to be a part of this training school, but one of them has to do with my desire to reach the young women of our generation and see them set free through the power of the Gospel. Like many other women, as a pre-teen and teenager I struggled with crippling fears, anxiety, depression, and anger. Earlier then that, At the age of 7 I began therapy for the anger and anxiety I was dealing with. As a young girl I did not fully understand what anxiety was nor did I understand the severity of it; and although I had been growing up in the church I had a hard time finding freedom. During that time I was overcome with the feelings of loneliness and often tried to convince myself that I was, and yet I always had faith that I wasn’t. Looking back on the pain I endured through the bondages of anger and anxiety the more I remember Gods love, faithfulness, and persistence towards me. Not only that, I had a great church with a pastor and a loyal family who never gave up on me. They encouraged me as often as possible through scripture, and consistently pushed me to seek the truth day after day despite my circumstances. It was truly through the seeking, communion and desiring of Gods truth that I found myself living more freely; and like myself, my heart longs to see more of Gods daughters walk in freedom, surrender and obedience.

In order to attend the CR school this summer beginning July 10th, I am fundraising a goal of $1,500 to cover the cost of tuition, food and travel. If this is something you are interested in sowing into, I  ask that you would kindly and prayerfully consider partnering with me financially to support me during this season.

If you would like to know more about my decision to join Circuit Riders please feel free to contact me.


If you would like to learn more about Circuit Riders and their mission here are some links to explore everything CR has to offer:


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