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CG Bester

CG Bester


Hello, My name is CG Bester, I am a 22 year old South African.

Over the past three years, God has called me to live a life on a mission and has invited me to live in South Africa, partnering with Youth With A Mission. I currently live in Potchefstroom, South Africa, and am on staff with Fire and Fragrance South Africa. We exist to bring the Kingdom of God to earth. Our desire is that God would be made known, that reformation would come and revival would break out in South Africa and move into the whole of Africa.

As a ministry, we operate in five specific lanes, from which all of our day-to-day ministries/activities stem. The first is Prayer and Worship, the second is Evangelism, the third is Discipleship/Training, the fourth is Media and the fifth is Ending Bible Poverty Now.

All that we do flows from a place of desiring to see people set ablaze with a vision of ushering in the Kingdom to Earth, no matter what sphere of life they end up in. We focus highly on the equipping, sending, and mobilizing of missionaries into the field and into the various spheres of society. We believe the Word of God is enough to transform nations, that prayer and worship are the birthing place of revival, that a new narrative must be written through the media in South Africa and that the Gospel will be preached to the very ends of the earth.

Jesus is my everything. He is our community's everything. All we desire to do is move according to His word in joyful obedience and surrender. He is worthy of our wholehearted YES! He is moving and breathing upon the nation of South Africa and it is truly a JOY and an HONOR to be a part of the story He is writing here!

The task of fulfilling and finishing the Great Commission has to be a team effort. In order to do the things God has called me to, I need a team supporting me, backing me, and sowing into all of these things both in prayer and financially.

We cannot usher in the return of Jesus alone! It will take all of us playing our part! The earth is waiting for Jesus, the nations are groaning and aching for someone to tell them about Jesus! Let us do it, together!!

CG Bester


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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