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Clara Cox

Clara Cox


Hi! My name is Clara Cox.

I will be becoming a full-time missionary with Circuit riders in the fall in Huntington Beach, California.

The purpose of circuit riders is to spread the good news of Jesus Christ and reach out to lost souls and bring light to the darkness.

That same original passion that the Circuit Riders exemplified is alive and well in the heart of a modern generation. Today it looks like gospel centered lifestyles. A people who love Jesus with all their hearts. The original Circuit Riders rode their horses across America and today we use every tool available to reach this generation with Jesus’ salvation.

The track I will be focusing on is Brave Love. It’s about women getting trained to become better leaders and speakers as women. We want to change the world in a sense of making Jesus the center of everything. Will you partner with me to help me become a woman of change and to speak life to these young women. Please be praying for me as I take this big step in my life.



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