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Caleb & Amanda Bachtel

Caleb & Amanda Bachtel


The Lord has truly broken our hearts for the western Church, the ones who have known about God and are longing for more and those who haven't yet encountered Him. God is moving in powerful ways across the nations and He has called us to be full-time missionaries plowing for revival and awakening with the ministry of Circuit Riders!

Over the past several years, we have both been in ministry sharing the Gospel across college campuses and cities throughout Europe and the States. We have seen God move in powerful ways, as we saw the lost saved, the sick healed, and fellow believers reawakened to the reality of how worthwhile a life laid down to Jesus truly is. As we witnessed an abundance of people encountering the Lord in a real way on street corners, beaches, college campuses, Uber drives, etc., our awareness of the need for the Gospel of Jesus Christ to be proclaimed across the nations grew immensely. 

Because our ministry is full time, we are able to spread the Gospel and reach our generation through the generosity of others whose hearts are also burdened for the lost! We are currently raising monthly support in order to make our pursuit of the Lord's calling on our lives possible.

We want to thank you in advance for your support - financially and in prayer. It truly takes a team to reach a generation, and it is an honor to partner with you.

With Love,

Caleb and Amanda Bachtel

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