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Baxter White

Baxter White


Hey! I’m Baxter White, a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Brisbane in Australia! I serve as a staff member in the February Beach 2 Bush DTS (Discipleship Training School) where I get to disciple other young people eager to know God more. I also get to serve logistically on base in the kitchen and in other evangelistic and outreach opportunities in the city of Brisbane and in towns around our state.

I am passionate about following Jesus and whatever God is leading me to do. During my DTS in 2019, I felt peace from God that He has called me to work in full-time ministry. So, I said yes, and I committed to saying yes to whatever God leads me to do. Right now, that is to be on staff with YWAM Brisbane where I am able to serve and do things, I am passionate about as well as receive excellent training and encouragement in leadership.

God has given me a heart for young people and for serving. Through YWAM, I get to help young people come to know God in deeper ways than they ever have and share that experience with others through ministry opportunities. I also get to serve people, serve people that are close to me and who know God as well as serve people who I don’t know and may or may not know God. I’ve built relationships with people I never would have had a relationship with otherwise and shared the Gospel with amazing people!

This is my first year in full-time service with YWAM and whether God keeps me here long term or takes me all over the world I can’t wait to continue serving Him! Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially as I seek to follow and honor God’s call on my life?


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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