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Brooke Donowho

Brooke Donowho




I hope this page finds you well. My name is Brooke Donowho and I’m originally from Los Angeles, California.

Jesus radically transformed my life as a senior at Queen’s University in ON, Canada after praying to Him for the first time in March of 2020 which resulted in Him healing me from years of crippling back pain. After physically healing me, He began emotionally healing me from insecurity, guilt, pride, loneliness, the desire to fit in, fear of man and so much more. Since this life-altering transformation my heart has burned to tell the world about Jesus and who He really is - a real, loving, caring, good, faithful God.

After following the Lord’s prompting to move to Orlando, Florida in 2023, He began opening the doors for me to pursue missions full time. I am ecstatic to announce that since March of 2024 the doors have swung wide open, and I have accepted His call to be in full time ministry! I feel a strong calling to the youth of the world, so I have partnered with Christ for all Nations and their youth crusades in Asia, Africa, and Europe. I have embarked on this mission but am following the Lord wherever He leads me.

As some may know, my deepest longing and prayer is for everyone to know the love and goodness of God so I hope you will partner with me prayerfully and financially to continue bringing this message of joy to the nations, specifically to youth around the world.

Thank you so much for believing in what the Lord can do through me! I am truly humbled and in awe to be a servant of the King, Jesus Christ.


With love, joy, and service - Brooke


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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925.478.4320 Ext. 303




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