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Beth Aguilera

Beth Aguilera



Hello everyone!!!! Long story short, for those of you that don't know about what God has been doing in my life in the past 8 months, I was in denial that it was my responsibility to share the Gospel with others but the Lord prepared a rude awakening that humbled me and allowed me to see His heart for the lost. Since then the Lord has been sending people into my life that have encouraged me on this journey of learning to burn for the desire to share the Gospel with others. Not only that, but my friend Leah and I have successfully begun worship and evangelism pop ups in public spaces like malls. Anyways, for 5 months I wrestled with the decision to go to YWAM because it meant having to let go of a lot. Luckily the Lord paved a way for this to happen and I surrendered my doubt to trust the Lord fully in this process of learning to lean entirely on Him and have faith that others see my heart behind joining DTS.


YWAM stands for Youth With A Mission, they are a worldwide missions organization that helps equip and send out people to all parts of the world to make Jesus known. DTS stands for Discipleship Training School which is what I will temporarily move away to be a part of for 6 months. For the first 3 months, I will be partaking in classes that will allow me to be discipled and get to know God better through the examination of His word. The last 3 months will be spent on a mission, putting into practice my faith and teaching/sharing Jesus with others somewhere overseas.


I need your help because this is not something I can do alone. I grappled with the fact that I would have to ask people for help because I struggle with hyper independence because it feels like I am a burden to people if I show I need help (personal issues lol). Praise the Lord though because He has given me peace over this by reminding me that I have been living a life that sets a precedent that completely backs the reason for joining DTS. My heart is out for all to see and to know that this is exactly where I want to be, at the feet of Jesus learning more about Him and passing everything I will know on to people I eventually hope to disciple. I pray that you all can see that this is something that won't just edify me, my heart is that I would learn so that I can teach and disciple others.

If you have seen my heart in this or would like to know more about my full testimony please reach out. Otherwise, I would insanely appreciate your blessing on this journey if the Lord has already placed something on your heart.

Donations do not have a minimum. If all you have is $1 I would GREATLY appreciate it.

Thank you for reading this far. I love you all so very much <3



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