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Anastasiya Torishnya

Anastasiya Torishnya


Hey! I am Stasy Torishnya, a missionary with GWPM (God Will Provide Missions) serving on the Island of Vanuatu!

 In the Fall of 2022, I went through GWPMS (God Will Provide Missionary School) where I was trained and taught many fundamental gospel principles as well as the importance of discipleship. The goal is to preach the gospel to all nations and walk a life representing our Saviour Jesus Christ.

Since then I have been out on the mission field approaching a 1-year mark. Here in Vanuatu with a team of 7 strong, the Lord has been doing His mighty work. Through our daily living, we are able to represent Jesus and share the gospel. By holding constant kids clubs and building connections with the churches and neighborhood locals, we can minister and spread the love of God that is so needed. Recently we have been building boarding schools in the remote parts of the island. The vision is to provide a Christian-based education that will plant the seeds of the gospel in the hearts of young tribal children who will later on spread it along to their families. The work is bountiful but so is the grace of our Father.

Now my heart has been set on fire for the Lord ever since. My eyes have been opened to see the need for His people to be met with His love. While serving in Vanuatu, God revealed the calling He has for my life in counseling and discipleship of young women and families. I am beyond grateful for the work that He has done not only in the hearts of the people but in mine as well. All of us have a part to play in His great plan. I am excited to see what the Lord has in store for His children and I hope so are you!

If you can stand with me in prayer and consider supporting me, in continuing this journey of spreading the seeds of the Gospel to a generation in need of a Savior.

Whether financially or in prayer, I am excited to have you on my team!

May Jesus receive everything He died and rose for!

Thank you for your time.

- Stasy :)


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