Hello everybody! Welcome to my page - stop and stay a while.
My name is Abby Sweeney and I am 29 years old. I am a teacher by trade and a missionary by passion, choice, and call. My first 7.5 years were spent in East Africa as a Missionary Kid (MK), forming my personality, values, and worldview. I've always had an interest in other peoples/cultures, a love for travel, and a passion for overseas missions work and am SO excited for my next step in this journey towards full-time missions.
I'm excited to share with you what God is leading me into next... YWAM, ROUND 2. I'm raising support to "Staff" the YWAM Discipleship School I was a student in last Fall. The school is 5 months long, beginning in October and ending in February. What does it mean to “Staff” this school? I'll join a team to facilitate the school at the University of the Nations in Kona, Hawaii and take on the following leadership roles: mentor/disciple multiple students in weekly “one-on-one” check-ins; lead a weekly small group; actively engage in prayer ministry for students; read through students’ weekly homework; and lead a team on a 2-month Outreach (think missions trip) to another nation. My ministry will be both to the students of the Discipleship School and to the people of the nation we go on Outreach to!
I'm raising support for the funds to Staff this school and I humbly ask you to pray and ask the Lord about helping send me. I saw God provide last time, including through the amazing generosity of people reading this, and I have no doubt God will do it again! It will cost about $8,400. These funds will cover the cost of living in Hawaii for 3 months as well as all transportation and living costs in a foreign nation for 2 months. Any financial contributions you can make are greatly appreciated. Your support is an investment into making disciples of all nations and bringing the Kingdom of God to earth! (If you would like to see examples of what financial contributions went to last year here is a link to my newsletter: https://mailchi.mp/b45fddfa2da2/my-dts-experience-review?e=ea125db283)
Another valuable way of sowing into this missions opportunity is joining with me in consistent prayer! Prayer opens more doors than anything else and allows us to walk in step with God and what He wants to do on earth as in Heaven! Would you please pray for me, for the students we will have in the upcoming school, and for the people we will meet overseas?
Thank you in advance for all the ways you will give of your time and resources to join me in this leg of the journey. For His glory and for our joy!