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Aaron Sohail

Aaron Sohail


Hi! I am Aaron Sohail, a full-time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) Fire & Fragrance in Himalayas, Pakistan!

I am a part of a collaborative non-profit missions organization called Fire & Fragrance empowered by Youth With A Mission. Fire & Fragrance, we are a family, full of joy, wholeheartedly surrendered to Jesus, and wildly in love with His presence! God’s love inspires and propels us to take the gospel into all the world. From remote mountain villages to Ivy League universities, we believe every heart is longing for truth and love. Our passion is the presence of Jesus.

I have been involved in a mission since 2010 when I accepted Jesus Christ as my personal savior for that day, God is supernaturally shaping my life to reflect Christ on the road of transformation. In 2019, God miraculously opened a door for me to do DTS in the Himalayas. Through DTS, God transformed my life and led me in another direction. God gave me a burden to start a House of Prayer (HOP) in Pakistan. God gave me such a huge burden for my nation and other nations of the world. I want to see a huge youth movement in Pakistan loaded with the burden of compassion and love. Know God and make Him known. The youth which heartburn for the Muslim world. For this, I am making opportunities for the youth to reach the unreached and for this, we have successfully made several mission trips in the different areas of Pakistan. During these mission trips, we were spending time in prayer and worship, distributing tracts, Gospel packs, and SD cards. We are empowering the youth and women of Pakistan. We are doing street evangelism in very challenging locations. We also want to do church planting and provide good quality of education to the poor Christian community of Pakistan.

For this, I need your hands and hearts, I know the good news of Jesus Christ brings life, hope, joy, and peace wherever it is heard. Often, we get testimonies, from precious individuals that how their lives, marriages, and careers have been tremendously blessed and radically transformed as they hear more and more of Jesus and His goodness.

My friend, there are still so many out there who need to hear this truth in their lives. Come and join this Revolution, and let’s fulfill God’s desire for everyone to hear and know the good news. I am currently looking for Godly men and women who can help me to raise $3500 every month so that I can run my team and bring a large number of souls into the kingdom of God.

Together, let’s tell and show the whole world that the cross really did make a difference!

If you have any questions, please reach out to me at:


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