Hello! My name is Alison, and I am an intercessory prayer partner for Certa Pro Painting.
Since 2020, I have been involved in prophetic and intercessory prayer covering for the business, employees and family members of Certa Pro in Milford, Ohio. It has been a wonderful experience to share prophetic insight, and to strengthen, encourage and comfort the employees and their families. Twice a month, I gather with two other intercessors to lift up in prayer the needs of the business and the people of Certa Pro. We have seen prophetic words come to pass and watched the business grow in its impact to share the Gospel and spread the Kingdom! It has been such a rewarding journey, and I am deeply grateful to be a part of helping with the spiritual health of a company run by Christian leaders.
I am also a professional artist and educator. As a tiny child, I fell in love with drawing before I knew how to write or spell. From an early age, I had an affinity for narrative. Much of my art is ethereal and dream-like. For me, the creative process is like a dance with Holy Spirit. Much of my art celebrates the beauty of God’s creation in nature. The nature paintings have also helped me make a living. Some of my art is inspired directly by the Bible. I would love to increase the amount of art I make that is Biblical. I have recently begun a series of paintings of Jesus. If you would like to give to help support me in this endeavor, I would be very grateful, as it would help give me time as well as help with buying art supplies.
In 2013, I received a vision from the LORD where I was working for a Fine Art Center where students of all ages could learn visual art, music, theater, dance. I tried several times to make this vision come to pass in my own strength, but it was not God’s timing. Then one day in 2021, I went to a rehearsal (I am also a singer) in a small building of music classrooms. I heard Holy Spirit say to me “This is the vision, Alison!” I was surprised and I said, “but LORD, this is smaller than what you showed me, and it’s only art and music, not theater and dance.” And then He reminded me of the scripture Zechariah 4:10, “Do not despise these small beginnings for the LORD rejoices to see the work begin.” So I asked my band mate who taught music there if they were in need of an art teacher, and it turned out they were! Soon after that I was hired. Then in early 2023, we were in danger of losing our building and going out of business. I held on to the vision the LORD gave me in 2013 and I prayed and looked all over for a new building, but there were none that we could afford. At the eleventh hour, God opened up an amazing door and gave us a big beautiful building right down the road! My art room is now at the Madcap Education Center and is 4 times the size it used to be! And there is art, music, theater and dance all under one roof, just as the LORD had shown me in 2013!
It has been an amazing journey thus far. There have been many opportunities to help Christian artists build their skills and also do art that is inspired by their faith. And there have been many occasions where I am able to minister to students who are struggling, as well as share the love, grace and truth of Jesus. I am deeply grateful for this incredible gift from God. One of my dreams is to be able offer scholarships to deserving students who cannot afford art lessons.
Would you prayerfully consider donating to help an artist increase their skills?
Thank you for your time and generosity.
The LORD bless you and keep you,