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Autumn O’Leary

Autumn O’Leary


Hi friends!

My name is Autumn and I’m currently serving with a missions organization called Youth With A Mission!

Several years back, the Lord spoke to me and told me that I was called to go and serve as a mother to the motherless in a foreign nation.

That very day, he put a joy and zeal in me to see His kingdom come and for His children to be cared for and that has only grown!

In January 2024 I did a Bravelove discipleship school through YWAM Kona. I spent three months in Hawaii and three months in Nigeria and Nepal.

Bravelove is an all women’s Discipleship Training School that teaches that as women our identity and value is found in Christ. We had the amazing opportunity of traveling throughout Africa and Asia, serving and hosting Bravelove gatherings.

This last September-December I did my training and am now full time staff the Bravelove DTS! I have so much faith, excitement and expectancy for what the Lord is going to do in this school!

I would love if you would consider partnering with me in this financially and in prayer!

I am trying to raise $1,500 in monthly support for:

• Rent

• Groceries

• Transportation

• Tithing and giving  

• Self care

• Saving

If you would like to commit to monthly support or just a one time donation, all is such a blessing to me and the people I’m serving! Thank you for taking time to read this and support me!

- Autumn

Feel free to reach out with questions!


Insta: autumn.oleary


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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925.478.4320 Ext. 303


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