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Andi Mnyazi

Andi Mnyazi


Hi friends and Family!  

A little bit of my story:

Hello everyone my name is Andisiwe Mnyazi. It’s a real honor to share my story with you. I come from a family of 12, a broken family, with a father who could not take care for us and a mother who just walked out on us.  I was raised in a children’s home called Daily Bread from the age of 7 to 16. When I was 16 the Lord opened up an opportunity for me to attend a school called Hudson Park through sponsorship by a church. At Hudson Park, they discovered a lot of things about me, including my dyslexia which affected my learning. Although I passed grade 12, it was with a very low mark that would not get me into university. So I decided to do a gap year at the church I attended and it was amazing.  At some point I was responsible for kids at Sunday school. I would look after them, teach them about the Bible and just love on them until the end of church. One time, the dean of the education department in Fort Hare University who attended the church, walked in and saw me interacting with kids. She said “Are you sure you’re not meant to be a teacher?” So I told her I couldn’t even go to university if I wanted to because of my marks. She said she was a dean and that I should just give her all my papers, birth certificate, id, and my marks. I told her I didn’t even have my marks. I had literally burnt my report! She told me to just give her what I had and added that she is the dean so she can make it happen. I know in her mind she thought she was making it happen but actually I believe in a God that can make impossible things possible and that was one of them. So university was open to me and I was like “Why?!” cause I’m dyslexic and I can’t focus well but God got me through it and I managed to finish the whole four years. During that time the church arranged for me to stay with a lovely family that I became very close to in those four years.

I told God that I didn’t want to be a local school teacher because I figured I would be chased out almost immediately for praying for any child who would come to me with a problem. I needed to work in a missionary school where this kind of thing would not be frowned upon. In the same year that I was finishing university I got an opportunity to serve as an interpreter at an informal settlement in a literal dumping place where a lot of poor people lived in shacks. A friend of mine knew a couple that had opened a school and a crèche there. They were doing a baby washing day and I went there to serve as an interpreter between the ministering ladies and the mothers. I got to meet Josh and Racheal Minter who run the school and crèche and I happened to overhear Josh telling people that he was looking for a teacher! My heart jumped! I was like this is the perfect place for me to teach because I can openly use Jesus’ name.

Almost three months went by and I completely forgot about what God had been saying while Joshua was talking. I carried on looking for a school through January, February and March because I had to give the University three months to respond to me and place me in a school or get a school to accept me as a teacher myself. At the end of March, several, different people started coming to me and asking me if I’d heard of Joshua and Racheal Minter, and saying I would make an awesome teacher for them. I knew that God was confirming that I was supposed to be at Stoney Drift with Joshua and Racheal Minter, when I met them, it changed my whole life, my view of God, and who I am in God was changed. I got to know myself as a daughter. I got to know who God is to me as a father and I got to know what He can do, I even got to know what His dreams are for me as a daughter and that He can bring gold out of dust. The kids I was teaching are hungry for education, hungry for God and hungry for love! I was completely blown away by God and I still am because He’s calling me further and that included BSSM (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry). And YWAM Life skill DTS…..This is my story and it’s still unfolding

My name is Andisiwe Mnyazi everyone calls me Andi and I’m currently doing my Life Skill Discipleship Training School.

I have also done BSSM 2017-2019 (Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry) and I have also served with Global Mercy missions for 5/6 years.

In that time God ignited a deep passion in my heart to invite His children come to know the love of the Father and His redemption.

I have been a missionary for 14 years now serving and traveling with the direction and leading of God seeing lives changed and impacted by His love along the way!

Global Mercy Missions is a Christian NPO and ministry based in South Africa and the U.S.A. From a base located on a garbage dump to the streets of Chicago, our leaders serve the people that God puts in front of us through radical love. we are passionate about so much more than that which is seen with physical eyes. Our team of missionaries also serve the nations with our weekly outreaches and evangelism. We go into the local hospital, ghetto, and red light district to love and serve the people there. We have seen many people set free from sickness, pain and destructive lifestyles.

Global Mercy missions’ mandate is to reveal the heart of God to all people we encounter and serve.

 We are simply and completely all about our King, Savior and Friend, Jesus. We have laid down our lives for one reason, and that is to partner with our heavenly Father to establish His Kingdom on Earth. We are called to the darkness so Jesus' light can shine through us, leading His children closer to Himself. He is the one who calls them home, we get to go along for the ride. What an amazing journey it is, full of joy and wonder!


Our reward is not anything that comes from this world, it is not the fruit of our ministry or the fame we receive from man. Our Reward is the presence of God, His presence sustains us, it is our anchor, our hope and joy. What an honor we have to bring his Presence into the places He has called us to.

Simply, Matthew 25:40. Everyone who comes to us, we love as if they are Jesus Himself.    

BSSM 2017-2019 (Bethel school of supernatural Ministry)


Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry is about equipping people to walk in the gifts of the Spirit, learning the nature and character of God, Jesus and Holy Spirit, and empower you to follow Jesus as He moves powerfully on the earth today.

Life Skill Discipleship Training School:

This DTS has all the benefits of a classic DTS but has the component of 'Life Skills' built in. Students will be taught life skills concepts so they can teach them to young people on outreach and through that share the Gospel. Calling the next wave of young people to follow Christ. Equipping young people to use life skills as a way to reach their generation for Jesus and show the image of God that they carry

It is an honor to be a part of all three of those schools and training mission fields. My heart is bursting with gratitude that I could be a part of them all.

I cannot express my thanks to God and to you who have supported me for making my dream of being a missionary and being God’s hands and feet a reality.

I would love to ask for you to partner with me through financial support and prayer!

I need $1,200 per month for:

• Giving (tithes, offering, and generosity)

• Housing/rent

• Food (groceries, eating out, etc.)

• Transportation (car and flights)

• Self-care

• Savings!

If you’d like to commit to being a monthly supporter, or giving a one-time donation, please pray about an amount and you can give here!

This is God’s promise for my Life and I’m living testimony that He keeps His promises:

Psalm 2:7-8 7 The king proclaims the Lord’s decree: “The Lord said to me, ‘You are my son.

Today I have become your Father. Only ask, and I will give you the nations as your inheritance, the whole earth as your possession."

Your support means the world to me. Each prayer is heard, and each dollar is used for His Kingdom. You are each a part of this movement of God! By your prayer and support, you are with me as I go!

Thank you. Your giving will not go unnoticed by our Father in Heaven.

Please email me if you have any questions


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