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Alexia Lane

Alexia Lane


Hey, my name is Alexia.


I am 18 and I come from a family of 5. I am the middle child of three kids. I grew up in a small town in Oklahoma. I have always dreamed of traveling the world and doing something with my life other than the usual 9 to 5 Job then retiring. I know God had something bigger for my life.


When I was 12, I found out that there are people on this earth that have never heard about Jesus before. My heart broke hearing that and thought I could be one to bring the good news of Jesus to those people. So that has pushed me to embark on a journey to spread the gospel to the darkest corners of the world.


While I was in high school, the question that always came up was, what’s after high school? What do I want to do with my life? Well, I already knew what I wanted to do. I just didn't know how or where to start. Since I knew absolutely nothing about missions. God gave me peace about doing a missions-based school. I searched everywhere and every school I looked at just didn't feel right.


Then I was talking to a friend one night and she told me about YWAM! YWAM believes in equipping and sending young people across the globe to spread the gospel. And I knew this was God because that is exactly what I wanted to do! So, I went. I did a school called Fire and Fragrance. That is a DTS (Discipleship Training School). They taught me how to preach the Gospel, sermon preparation, evangelism, and more than anything, they pushed me into a deeper relationship and intimacy with God then I have ever been in before. It completely changed my life and just ignited my heart even more for the nations.


So now as we always do, we may be asking, what’s next? I will be continuing my journey with YWAM. I have made a 2-year commitment to staffing Fire and Fragrance. This means I will be leading and discipling students through exactly what I just went through. These 2 years will be broken into 3-month segments. The first 3 months my fellow staff and I will be going through an intensive leadership program. There we will learn how to disciple well, finances and how to lead teams into foreign countries. The next 3 months will be the lecture phase which is when the students arrive and learn how to preach the gospel, prep sermons, evangelize, and grow in a deeper relationship with Jesus. And all together we will be preparing to go to the nations. And that brings us to our next 3 months. We will be in a nation spreading the gospel and the love of Jesus to the unreached.


I am beyond grateful for this opportunity that the Lord has given me to do this with my life. Every time I think about it, I am brought to tears because it is such an honor to serve the Lord and to bring His love to people that don’t know Him, to be a vessel for His kingdom. I can't even express what the Lord has done in my life and how He has impacted me. All I want to do for the rest of my life is just share Him with others that don't know Him.


But I can't do it alone. I need a family standing behind me to make this possible. I am so grateful for your support and that you would consider partnering with me.



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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