Len Wo, Aloha, Bula Vinaka, and warm greetings to you all!
My name is Alik Jackson and I am currently attending the University of The Nations with YWAM in Kona.
I have been in the Big Island, Hawai’i for five years now and in August, 2020 the Lord met me and my life has been totally transformed since. I totally surrendered my life to him and have been running with a burning passion to please him, burning with the message of His Kingdom that has been freely given for everyone.
The Holy Spirit has been burning in my heart to bring revival to his church and reformation to the nations, starting with the island-nations. I truly believe that if God can radically change my life and burn His message in my heart to the nations, he can do the same to all islanders. I truly burn to bring Jesus to all the unreached, freedom to the oppressed, and truly activate every people-group that the Lord sends me to.
I would like to humbly ask you to join me in this journey that The Lord has called me into with your prayers and contribute with financial support. I truly thank you for partnering with me in advancing the Kingdom and transforming nations for His glory.