Starting Point
The mission of Starting Point will be to provide a home for men that are seeking to find God's purpose in their lives. Whether newly sober, out of prison, new to faith, or just in a stagnant season in life, Starting Point will offer a safe and encouraging living experience that points to seeking the kingdom of God above all else and living a fruitful life.
At Starting Point, men will be equipped with the tools necessary to overcome addiction, depression, and lack of purpose through massive action. Being in community helps each of us realize our full potential as iron sharpens iron. We will dive into the word of God, we will worship at the local church, and we will serve the community. We will cover life skills that will better prepare these men to become productive members of society with an emphasis on sobriety, spiritual development, personal development, goal setting, life skills, and recreation.
We believe that true transformation requires a bold and radical mindset and a great measure of faith. By partnering with us, we can help men stay the course and make lasting change in their lives.
As John Krause embarks through Starting Point to serve men in need, he invites you to join him in making a difference by partnering through financial support. Your support can help launch Starting Point and together, we can watch it grow. Together, we can transform lives and empower men to overcome their individual challenges and fulfill their God-given potential.