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A Problem You Can Solve

Did you know that there are approximately 1,000,000 Christians who are enslaved in brick making factories in The Islamic Republic of Pakistan? You can help rescue them….one family at a time.

Why You Should Get Involved

There are 211,000,000 people in Pakistan, almost all of whom are Muslim. There are 3,500,000 Christians, but they are kept in generational poverty. When a Christian family has a medical emergency, they often have no option but to borrow money from a brick making factory. As a result, they have to move into the factory and make 1,000 bricks every day, or their debt goes up. Unfortunately, they are never paid enough to pay back their debt. In fact, if the parents die, other family members inherit the debt. There are generations of families trapped… all because they cannot repay a debt of only a few hundred dollars. As a result of this, their children are not in school (they are making bricks), which perpetuates this poverty.

What You Can Do

You can support teams on the ground in Pakistan who are quietly negotiating with brick kiln owners, paying off debts, and freeing families from slavery. You can provide the resources to release them. Your gifts will get them housing, food, and help them own a small business to provide for themselves. The children will get into school for the first time.

We have actually freed three generations of families from brick slavery. One man, who was 75 years old, had been a slave since he was 15 years old. We recently rescued him, and his son, and grandchildren. You can only imagine the joy they have to be free!

Founded in 2001, Destiny Rescue’s story began with founder and international president Tony Kirwan. While living in Thailand, Tony and his wife heard a man share how he was once invited to have sex with children.

“When I heard this story it really hit me and I knew I had to do something,” Tony says.

“It was at this point, I believe God put the vision of Destiny Rescue in my heart.”

Today, Destiny Rescue’s work has grown into a worldwide organization dedicated to rescuing children from sexual exploitation and trafficking and helping them stay free. We serve to help amplify the voices of both those who are enslaved and have been freed from abuse.

Destiny Rescue’s mission is to rescue kids from sexual exploitation and human trafficking and to help them stay free.

We do this through our rescue operations and reintegration programs. We are active in countries where the need to save is great. Because of our committed supporters, our rescue and reintegration staff are bringing freedom, hope and healing to children around the clock – day and night!

Established in 1999, The Proclamation Task (PT) purposes to equip Bible teachers and biblical preachers who will provide the Christian church with godly leaders who are diligent in studying, faithful in expounding and relevant in applying God’s Word.

Based in Kampala, Uganda, PT promotes biblical priorities in the local church, centered on the diligent study of God’s Word for a faithful proclamation of the Gospel message in a growing context of ministry methods that display godliness. For the last 12 years, PT has been giving undivided attention in training local church pastors, making provision for basic ministerial training to increase their knowledge of Scripture, challenging them to nurture others and their own spiritual growth. And to develop the character and skills that are required in the godly task of shepherding God’s people.

Our Mission

To educate those who preach and teach the Bible, so as to establish biblical priorities in:

  • The message they proclaim,

  • The motivation that guides them, and

  • The methods they employ for Christian ministry.


EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




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Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303


P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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