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- Zeynel Zafer
Missionary Zeynel Zafer DONATE Hello, I was born in Istanbul, Turkey and raised by a non-practicing Muslim family. In my 20's I briefly became an Atheist. In a country that is 98% Muslim, a church building is something of a curiosity, so one weekday I just wanted to see the building and went to a church. Even though it was closed that day, a man from the church happened to be there that told me about his beliefs and even gave me a New Testament. At the age of 26, I accepted Jesus and was baptized. While attending a one year Bible college, I did some work as a missionary among Turkish people in Bulgaria. Later I became involved with the church in Antalya. I am now married to a Christian woman and have a small family. We moved from America to Antalya in 2021 and I have been serving in the church there since then. The doors of our church are open daily so that we are available to meet the community's needs. I regularly have opportunities to meet with people who, like me, grew up in the Islamic culture and come in wanting to learn more about the Christian faith. I try to answer their questions and share my own faith journey with them. I am excited about the growth of the church that I have already seen, and am looking forward to seeing more and more lives transformed by Christ. I greatly appreciate your prayers for me and for the people of Turkey. Donate
- Melody Wittman
MISSIONARY Melody Wittman DONATE This Montana girl is going back to India! My desire is to use my background as a Registered Nurse and my passion for adult education to empower our Indian brothers and sisters as “change agents” in their communities — for health and for the Kingdom of God. In the fall of 2018, I plan to return to India to investigate long-term placement there, while finishing the second and third sessions of a three-part course to become a Certified Trainer for a community health training course. This Indian-based program equips local Christian workers in rural areas with holistic health knowledge and community development skills. Jesus is the perfect fulfillment of what India is searching for! Working alongside the local church, I plan to… Continue to learn the local language Share the Good News in a culturally relevant way Gain expertise in the community’s cultural and health issues Train nationals to apply and teach health principles Increase my understanding of His Love and purposes for me, His heart for India, and how He is inviting me to be part of His work there I cannot return to India and expect to thrive without your support — be it through prayer, encouragement, or finances. Would you especially consider partnering with me financially? Any questions? Feel free to send me an email: Donate
- missionaries_mbrickley | EquipNet
MISSIONARY Michael Brickley In January, 2021, I was ending my 22 years with the Pocket Testament League, where I was Chief Executive Officer. I prayed a scary prayer: “Lord, I do not want to retire, please give me something interesting that you want me to do!” God answered that prayer in a BIG way. While getting pocket Bibles for a pastor in Pakistan, I was asked if I could provide gift boxes for the “bricks slave children”. I had no idea what that was, and after I did some research I was disgusted and dismayed by what I learned. I learned that there are over 1,000,000 people, mostly Christians, enslaved in brick making slave camps in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. This is NOT OK! In Pakistan, if you are a minority group member and need medical care, the only way you can pay for it is to get a loan from a brick making slave camp. You get the money, but then need to move your family into the brick kiln and make 1,000 bricks out of mud every day until the debt is repaid. Unfortunately, once in the slave camp, you learn that you can never earn enough to pay the debt off. And what is even worse, you learn that when you die, your children inherit the debt. This results in generational slavery. I decided to try and rescue all these people. In the first 12 months we have rescued over 1,500 people, started over 300 small businesses for them, enrolled hundreds of children in school for the very first time, and ended over 12,000 years of combined slavery! God is on the move! I am thankful for all who have contributed to make this happen. Even though donations are covering the debt repayment and resettlement costs for the slaves, I do not take any funds from those donations, and yet I am working full time on this and incurring many office and travel expenses to coordinate our rescue efforts . My goal is to rescue all of 1,000,000 people in the slave camps. Would you consider walking alongside me, and helping me with these costs? Thank you for whatever God might put on your heart. Blessings, Mike
- Suraj Rana
Missionary Suraj Rana DONATE My name is Suraj Rana, I am from the far west in Nepal and I am a full-time missionary with YWAM. I want to reach the unreached people in the hardest and darkest places on earth. My main goal and YWAM value #1 is to know God and make God known anywhere and everywhere. During my time here with YWAM, I plan on doing treks into the remote and unreached villages of the Himalayan Mountains, where I will be preaching the gospel, distributing bibles to bibleless regions and seeing real Jesus revelation and transformation in the lost people of the nations. As I continue this journey in missions, I'm looking for those who would partner and invest in the Kingdom of God through my life. I am looking for those who would partner with me in giving $5,000 a month, which will allow me to fully serve in what God is doing in the nations. Would you prayerfully consider joining me in my journey, or contributing a one-time gift? Suraj Donate
- William Sarfraz
MISSIONARY William Sarfraz DONATE William Sarfraz is passionate and called to reach unreached & unengaged tribal groups in Pakistan and the whole Arab world. In 2003 he founded Gawahi Missions Pakistan with the heartbeat to reach Pakistan and the whole Arab world with the good news of Jesus Christ from the biggest Islamic city in the world Karachi. Donate
- Brooke Mason
Missionary Brooke Mason DONATE Hey y'all! My name is Brooke Mason and I am currently working with a missions organization called YWAM. YWAM (Youth With A Mission) is an interdenominational Christian organization that focuses on missionary work and training. The mission is to know God and make God known, as well as serve God's global purposes, and champion young people. YWAM has been sending missionaries around the world since 1960 and is one of the world's largest missionary training and sending organizations. I just completed their Discipleship Training School this past June of 2024. But for me, missions began long before. When I was 16 years old I went on my first mission trip to Thailand with my church in Allen, TX, called Church Eleven32. My church partners in missions with YWAM, so I knew of YWAM during this time. After graduating high school, I was surprised when God called me into my local church's ministry school. I initially did not have a heart to work in ministry, let alone the 4 walls of a church rather than in the nations. I wanted to immediately go off to college and have fun. But what I didn't know at 19 was that God was giving me a heart for His people, in America and in the nations. As well, He was calling me into the entertainment industry to bridge the gap between missions and film. After ministry school, I attended the University of Arkansas initially for Interior Design and Architecture but ended up getting my Bachelor's Degree in Communications. I thought I would work in Social Media and Marketing or Interior Design and maybe later in life would do something with the film industry or missions. I graduated college in 2020, the best year to graduate college:) Lol. In 2021, I started applying for Marketing jobs in Dallas. Being on the verge of accepting jobs, something in me did not have peace. Shortly after not accepting a job, a door just happened to open in the film industry in Atlanta, Georgia. In August 2021, I moved to Atlanta for my first job on set working for 20th Century Fox and NBC under Disney. The next two years felt a bit like a rollercoaster in this industry. With Covid testing, vaccines, a shortage in jobs, and eventually in 2023, the Writers Guild of America (WGA) and the Screen Actors Guild (SAG) went on strike against AMPTP over labor disputes, and the whole industry shut down, leaving everyone without jobs. During this time, I finally took a step towards what I felt God was inviting me into. I applied for a DTS with YWAM and left Georgia to head to YWAM’s biggest location in Kona in January 2024. Leaving a comfortable life in America is never easy, but I knew God was calling me into what he put in my heart years ago, which is to bring missions into the film industry. But even more than that my aim is to show the heart of God through signs, wonders, and miracles happening around the world in theaters for America and First World nations to see. I believe in a living God who is alive and active and is after the lost and brokenhearted. Brooke Donate
- C E
- Joe & Tami Mann
MISSIONARY Joe & Tami Mann DONATE “Give justice to the poor and the orphan; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people.” Psalm 82:3-4 NLT We are Joe and Tami Mann and currently serving with Destiny Rescue in Cambodia as Country Managers helping with the rescue and restoration of children who are being exploited and trafficked. As full-time Destiny Rescue volunteers, we are responsible in raising all of our living expenses to serve overseas. Therefore, we need ministry partners, people who have a passion to help stop the exploitation, trafficking and sexual abuse of children. Romans 10:14 says, “How shall they go unless they are sent?” We need partners who are led to pray and who are called to give. We need both onetime gifts and those who are led to commit to giving on a recurring monthly basis. Our initial commitment to serve in Asia is for two years beginning in December 2020. A brief history on how we got here: Before we were married Tami was first exposed to the problem of human trafficking that is taking place in our world in 2009. She became more informed and developed a burden to the point where she knew she had to seek to make a difference. In 2014, she began volunteering with Destiny Rescue in their office in Indiana. Her volunteering became a full-time job serving with Destiny Rescue in the administration office for 5 years. We were married in 2010, we then moved to the South Bend area to help plant a church. Joe was pastoring the church plant and began helping Tami as she served and volunteered with Destiny Rescue. Initially, Joe thought the topic of human trafficking was “Tami’s call”, yet after being more exposed to all that was going on in the world he developed a burden to help stop child trafficking. As a couple we began sensing that God was leading us to eventually move overseas and join the efforts to see an end to the exploitation of children who are being trafficked. In spring 2018, we took a team trip to Cambodia and Thailand to observe firsthand the work of Destiny Rescue. During this trip a series of circumstances brought further confirmation that God was indeed calling us to eventually move to Asia to serve on the front lines with Destiny Rescue. When we returned, we began to take steps towards serving in Asia full-time. Donate
- YWAM Baguio
YWAM Baguio Mission Organization Donate Pioneered in 1972, Baguio became Youth With A Mission's first base location in the Philippines, and the site of Asia's first Discipleship Training School (DTS). Since then, over 1000 students, from every inhabited continent, have walked through our doors to "Know God and Make Him Known". Many of them have walked out those same doors to pioneer and expand ministries, as well as to plant churches in the nations of East Asia and among the provinces and tribal peoples of the northern Philippines. YWAM Baguio is called to make disciple-makers who will join us in reaching the least, the last, and the lost of Asia, beginning in the Philippines. Donate
- Kathryn & Chip Messick
Missionary Kathryn & Chip Messick DONATE Kathryn & Chip Messick have been full-time missionaries with YWAM Circuit Riders for 16 years collectively. They believe in reaching this next generation of young leaders with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and raising them up to be trained and sent out as missionaries! As they continue on in their journey as full-time missionaries, they are overjoyed that you would join the mission to reach the lost through joining their team of financial partners. Kathryn & Chip Donate