Hello! My name is Zena!
I am a full time Missionary from Grand Rapids, Michigan. When the Lord gave me a burning heart for a nation he gave me Norway. Through obedience and prayer He sent me to Norway! I have moved to Norway full time for missions work through YWAM. While in Norway, I will be planting seeds, plowing the soil, and seeing the great Commision go forth through YWAM Rogaland’s Media team.
September 2nd, 2023 my life was changed forever as I was a security guard at The Send in Grand Rapids, Michigan. The Lord encountered me that night and changed my life forever. I gave up everything to follow Christ, from being set free completely from depression, anxiety, lustful actions & motivations, heavy drug & alcohol addiction, porn addiction, self hatred & self harm, fear of man, LGBTQ lifestyle, eating disorders, new age spirituality, Mormonism, and a party lifestyle.Â
My life did a full 180° the day Jesus saved me. I ended up quitting my job, and selling all of my belongings to see the Gospel go forth as I joined a DTS (Discipleship Training School). Which was 6 months long.Â
Now, as I am stepping into what the Lord has called me to, I am asking for your help in prayer and finances! Being in full time missions has been such a blessing and I would love for you to partner with me in any way you can. May we always stand in awe and reverence at our Lord Jesus. For he is mighty and king of our salvation!
Matthew 28:16-20
Thank you for reading, and Blessings to you!