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Tirzah Dine

Tirzah Dine


Hi, I’m Tirzah and here’s a little bit about me:)

I grew up in a Christian family as a missions and pastor's kid. For part of my childhood, my family and I were missionaries among Muslims from the Middle East. It was such a special season to grow up in a different culture, gain a heart for the unreached, learn that there is so much more outside of the Christian bubble, be able to build friendships with Muslims and share the love of Jesus with them, and truly find my own relationship with Jesus.

After I graduated high school, God led me to do a Discipleship Training School (DTS) with Youth With A Mission (YWAM) in the fall of 2023 and it was so transformative. God revealed Himself to me in such a new and personal way and I truly found Him to be so worthy of my life and future! 

I went on outreach to Northern Cyprus, where my team and I reached Muslim college students. We were building relationships with them, doing Bible studies, learning about what they believe, sharing the love of Jesus with them, and just being a loving friend to them. The Muslims that we were reaching are seeking and are so hungry for the truth!!

God gave me a heart for the people there and since then He has opened the doors for me to return back in the fall to join the longterm team in Cyprus. We will be continuing to disciple college students and pioneering new ministries to reach more people there. In order to do so, I will be raising support to be able to go long term.

In order to get a visa to be able to live in Northern Cyprus, I will need to raise $3,000/monthly. This will not only allow me to get a visa, but will also cover housing, groceries, transportation, and ministry expenses.

I will also be needing $4,000 in one time donations.  

If you feel led, I would love for you to partner with me as God leads me to reach the people of Cyprus:)

This wouldn’t be possible without your support and I am so grateful!!!!



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.











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