I am Trenten Blomgren, a full time missionary with YWAM (Youth With A Mission) School of Revival and Reformation!
I am part of a nonprofit organization called YWAM! YWAM is an organization that helps buildup missionaries to go out to the unreached all around the world. I’m a staff member with the school of Revival and Reformation where we have a family focus center of equipping and training students who have finished their DTS (Discipleship Training School) and want to go out to do full time missions.
I did my DTS down in Kona Hawaii in January of 2020.
During that time I just fell even more in love with Jesus and got to see how much his heart burns for the world and all its people. God put that heart into me! In this current season God has been helping train up other people from around the world who also were given that biting heart for the nation’s!
Would you prayerfully consider partnering with me in prayer and financially to see a generation saved across the nations?!
Thank you!!