Hey friends,
My life got radically changed when I stumbled upon a missions organization by losing a bet. Now I am 23 years old and currently in partnership full-time with a nonprofit ministry called Youth With A Mission, empowered by University of the Nations. Our goal is to see the great commission fulfilled by launching revivalists into the nations who are dedicated to the truth of the testimony of Jesus.
My mission in life is simple – to love God and make him known. I am incredibly passionate about being one who stands against the injustices (conflict zones, oppression, refugees, tyranny, idolatry, etc.) prevailing within our world by being used as a witness for freedom that can only come through God.
After much communing with the Lord, he has invited me to continue my missions as a long-term missionary in the Middle East. I will be moving for a minimum of 2 years in the Middle East learning the language, working with refugees and building relationships. For security purposes that is all I can reveal on a public site. However, I am incredibly expectant for all that the Lord is doing, not just in my life, but all across the Middle East.
I have been very humbled in having to learn dependence on the Lord and others in this time. I believe in prayerful support just as much as financial support. As leaving the western dream behind to step into full-time missions as my career, I rely on monthly support. If you will prayerfully consider partnering with me in the fulfillment of the great commission given to us all as believers – below is how you can support my ministry! The great commission isn’t our great gift to God, but truly God’s great gift to us. I want to thank those who are prayerfully and/or financially supporting me in this wild ministry. Below I will list how you can be supporting me in prayer.
Prayer Support
Protection within the Nations
No troubles with security measures
Quick advancement in language learning
Luke 10:22 – Continual depth and knowledge within the Father Son and Holy Spirit
Genuinely, thank you for all your support — it deeply means so much to me. Especially to my friends and families with different beliefs!!