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Shelby Lane

Shelby Lane


Hi friends!

My name is Shelby, and this February, I will embark on a journey to Nashville to serve with Prayer House Ministry.

My introduction to Prayer House began last summer while I was living in Los Angeles. A chance Instagram story caught my attention, announcing their arrival in the city and their need for help in building “prayer rooms.” Initially, I believed they were referring to the physical construction of spaces. As I was navigating a new season in my life and longing for community, I eagerly reached out, inquiring about the building experience required. That is when I learned that they were not speaking of PHYSICAL structures, but rather the SPIRITUAL creation of prayerful environments. After a laugh and clarification, they asked me to share my skills and gifts. With my background in social media marketing, I admitted I was uncertain about my other talents. They then invited me to an event called “Encounter Night,” where I met them for the first time and assisted in capturing social media content. Little did I know, that night would lead to a profound encounter with the Lord.

Following Encounter Night, I felt a divine purpose in my presence there. My relationship with God deepened, I got baptized, and I developed a passionate desire to help others experience the incredible love of the Father that I had come to know.

Prayer House is a ministry that longs for prayer to become the center pieces to cities and local churches. Our hope is that through establishing a culture of prayer in Nashville, TN, we will organically see prayer rooms come to life within the city and local churches (Matthew 21). At the heart of who we are, we long to make room to pray and worship God. Our primary purpose is to minister to Him morning, noon, and night. (1 Samuel 1) In doing so, our hearts are transformed to look more like His. We are convinced that giving people space to come and worship Him throughout the week is the most effective way to see the Church equipped, empowered, and sent out. If we don’t first know Him, we won’t be able to accurately present Him to the rest of the world (Psalm 27).

It is an honor to be a part of this mission with Prayer House. And to be as present as possible, I will be lowering my workload from 5-7 clients per month to only two. I would love to ask for you to partner with me through financial support and prayer!

What will this money be used for?

• Giving (tithes, offerings, and ministry support)

• Housing

• Transportation

If you’d like to commit to supporting, please pray about an amount and you can give here!



EquipNet is a 24-year-old 501c3 Religious Public Charity. All gifts through EquipNet are tax deductible. EquipNet’s Tax Exempt ID Number is 94-3359561.




T. 925.478.4320

Accounting & Donor Services 925.478.4320 Ext. 301

Missionary & Mission Agency Services 

925.478.4320 Ext. 303


P.O. BOX 860

ALAMO, CA 94507

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