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Olivia Warren

Olivia Warren


Hey! I’m Olivia Warren, a full-time missionary with Fire & Fragrance at YWAM Kona (Youth With A Mission).

YWAM is the largest mission-sending organization in the world, with the mission “To know God, and to make Him known” and go to the ends of the earth to reach the unreached!

I did my DTS (Discipleship Training School) in September 2023 in Kona, Hawaii, which was such a time of finding Jesus in the nations, revelation, growth, and joy! I went to Central Asia on my outreach, a ‘closed’ nation, in which there is a 0.5% Christian population and where it is illegal to evangelize. Central Asia went from being a place I had never even known of to a place that radically changed my life, a place that I feel so called to on long-term missions, a place that burdens my heart daily with the reality of the unreached, that only 0.5% of the population know Jesus, see Him rightly, and know the love, joy, peace, and sacrifice of Jesus. My life has been transformed, with a burning heart for the unreached, the 3.4 billion people who do not know Jesus, and seeing people walk out the call of God on their life.

I have given my ‘yes’ to Jesus and His call in Matthew 28 to full-time missions and making disciples of all nations! God has led me to staff Fire & Fragrance DTS, leading students in small groups, 1-on-1's and leading an outreach to the nations!

I'm so excited to partner with God on this and it's such a joy and an honour to lay down my life for Him and the unreached. Jesus has changed my life; through the generational grace He has had on my family's lives through my grandparents and parents’ sacrifices and dedication of their lives to the Lord. As well as the encounters, revelation, and faithfulness He has shown me in my life by keeping His promises, speaking to me, and showing me the meaning and purpose of life, which is in, through and to Him.

As a self-funded missionary, I am responsible for all my expenses.  I am working on raising $1000 a month, looking for people to partner with me to fulfill The Great Commission and make Jesus’ name known to the unreached!

Financially if you want to support me, this is what you are giving to:

• Leadership track fees: $420

• On-campus rent: $400 a month or $2,400 total

• Outreach fees: $5000-$6000

I would be so grateful if you could support me in any way possible, your support will make a tangible difference to the Great Commission! If you would like to know more about helping support me, please reach out, I’d love to talk with you!!



Matthew 28:19-20 “Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely, I am with you always, to the very end of the age.”


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